About this blog

This blog is all about the new year’s resolution I made as 2014 came to an end: I want to try something new every day for an entire year. Who knows, I might even get into the spirit so much that I keep if up beyond 2015. To keep me motivated, I decided to blog about my challenge.

I’m excited to see where this year will take me. What surprises will I end up with now that I’ve embarked on this journey? What will I learn? Will I find hidden talents or fail at things I thought I’d be good at?

I’d love for this project to involve you – the readerΒ – as well. Please leave comments with suggestions of things I could try out, and let me know what you think of past contributions.

13 thoughts on “About this blog

  1. I think this is a wonderful idea and I hope you succeed. I find it really inspirational. Good luck. I’ll keep following your progress!


  2. I can’t say I know anyone who lists an etymological dictionary (easy for you to say!) as a favorite read. I think we could get along well. πŸ™‚ You certainly have an ambitious goal. I don’t know if I could even think of something new daily, let alone try it. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for stopping by mine. I love your New Year’s resolution πŸ™‚ What a great idea for a blog~ Here’s to wishing you a great year keeping it up ^o^


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